
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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SoftBank Smart Phone Special Rate 2014/11/14 04:38
Many thanks to anyone who has any info to share with me. I GREATLY appreciate advice from seasoned travellers!

For my first trip to Japan (14 days), I'm considering leaving my iPad3 at home and renting a smartphone. We'll be traveling via JR pass, and frequently on the move.

SoftBank's current rate is 210Y/day, which does not include data charges.

I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on:
1) the bottom line value of this plan
2) recent good/bad experience with SoftBank
3) if bring the iPad and renting a pocket mobile wifi offers benefits that a smartphone rental does not.

Again, many, many thanks!
by Peg (guest)  

Re: SoftBank Smart Phone Special Rate 2014/11/14 21:44
Hi Peg,

Could you maybe tell us a little more what you would like to use it for?

calling/receiving calls to and from abroad? Maybe just checking information online about Japan while on the move?

There are great offline resources available like the Tabimori app, the tripadvisor app for Tokyo and Kyoto, etc. These apps work completely offline, so you don't need internet.
In case it is for a few short phone calls, maybe calling with your current phone is cheaper.

Just a few suggestions that might change your mind :)
by Benny Ji (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: SoftBank Smart Phone Special Rate 2014/11/17 11:13
1) the bottom line value of this plan

If you will be using data everyday then the cost is more like 1700 yen per day. It would be cheaper to rent a portable wifi hotspot instead and use it with your ipad. And if your ipad is a 4g model you would also have the option of renting a data sim for even less. Calls can be done via skype or other voip service.

2) recent good/bad experience with SoftBank

Their service is good enough. Docomo, or any of their resellers have a little better coverage, but the difference may not be significant depending on where you're going.

3) if bring the iPad and renting a pocket mobile wifi offers benefits that a smartphone rental does not.

It's cheaper and you'll get more data for your dollar. But it's heavier and there are more things to charge.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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