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Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2014/12/27 13:03
Season's Greetings to all!

It would be me and my wife's 4th time in Japan this coming February 2015, and we always make it a point to head to Sushi Dai before the end our trip. However, my wife is now 3 months pregnant and her doctor has prohibited her from eating any raw/uncooked food.

I am no expert in the Sushi Dai menu but would any of you know what are the safe food items for her to eat aside from the miso soup that is servres and tamago?

Many thanks in advance for your help.
by Snazz  

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2014/12/27 20:45
what is Sushi Dai ?
Japanese pregnant woman have no restriction to eat Sushi.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2014/12/27 21:12
It's a restaurant at Tsukiji.

Doctors in other countries tell pregnant women they cannot eat raw fish, not even if it's extremely fresh.

Wouldn't it be less torturous to skip it this trip? Doesn't she realise she'll have to watch you eat the good stuff?
by Devin (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2014/12/27 22:46
It would be practical to skip it but I also want my sushi.
by Snazz (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2014/12/28 07:14
Parenthood is a time for sacrifice and putting someone else first.
by Devin (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2014/12/28 11:01
Miso soup and tamago are the only items that come to mind.


I might also suggest you skip it this time - for the chefs as well, it would not be too comfortable to have a couple sit down to eat, and see that only one is eating their proud work... :( You could try buying a pack (I know, I know the quality will be different) from a takeaway store and eat at your hotel...
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2014/12/28 11:22
Take her to a kaitenzushi place instead; they usually have more cooked and non-raw fish items than a regular sushi bar. The Sushizanmai in Tsukiji is very good.
by .. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2014/12/28 12:43
Some examples that your wife can choose:
tamago (egg - Japanese omlette)
anago (conger eel - steamed and grilled with soy-based sweet sauce)
ebi (you should specified mushi-ebi i.e. steamed shrimp as there's raw one too)
kappa maki (sushi roll with cucumber)
natto maki (sushi roll with fermented soy beans)
umeshiso maki (sushi roll with pickled plum)

I think kaiten-zushi (shushi on conveyr belt type of place) is a good idea, as another poster suggested.

You can ask "ninshin shiteiru node, namamono ga taberare masen" (Being pregnant, I/she cannot eat raw fish)
"hino tootta mono ka sakana janai mono, onegai shimasu" (something cooked or non-fish dishes, please)
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2014/12/29 03:56
The reason that people in the US tell women that they can't eat sushi is because 1) they are hyper sensitive and utterly terrified about way too much and 2) the quality of sushi in the US fluctuates greatly, so it is much easier to say you can't have any than to say make sure it's the good stuff.

Women in Japan eat raw foods all of the time while pregnant, yet it's still a population of over 130 million people, is it not? You can count on the quality of sushi to be better in Japan, even at the conveyor belt places because it just is fresher and the sushi chefs know what they are doing. In the US you're fine too assuming you're not trying to eat gas station sushi scraps.
by Secret Duckie rate this post as useful

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2014/12/29 09:34
All this fear is based on contacting Listeriosis, which can very rarely cause a miscarriage or illness to your unborn child. Personally there is an over reaction to this in some countries as the number of fetus affected is very very low. However a basic rule is avoid deli meats, unpasteurized raw milk and the products made from it, avoid sprouts, and egg based mayonnaise. Cook all meat, poultry and fish well and you should be fine.
I'm a 60 yr old mother, and we didn't know all this way back when I had children and they turned out fine, so I'm inclined to say just use your common sense!!!
by LoveJapan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2014/12/29 21:00
I think you know the answer.

Your wife, apparently, wants to go to a very popular sushi restaurant where you might expect to queue for a significant period of time, take up a seat at the counter that others are still probably queueing for, and not eat (99% of the) sushi, whilst watching you fill your face.

It's difficult to see what advice you're expecting.
by Winter Visitor rate this post as useful

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2014/12/31 04:10
Recent Japanese people, raw sushi do not eat during pregnancy too.

Can eat menu in Sushi is...
Tako(boild octopus)
Ebi(boiled shrimp)

You must not eat menu is
Because,Tsuna have little mercury.
That is bad effect for Baby.

by maki japan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2015/1/2 18:34
Thank you everyone for all your feedback. Much appreciated and Happy New Year!
by Snazz rate this post as useful

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2015/1/2 18:42
To sum all your advise and recommendations, it is best not for her to eat sushi however she can consume;

sushi with cucumbers/pickles
shrimp (cooked)

Is this correct?
by Snazz rate this post as useful

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2015/1/2 21:08
sushi, and raw fish is not harmful at all.
raw fish is controlled in a low temperature in JAPAN until to serve it.
Japan is DIFFERENT from your country and other countries where people do not eat raw fish frequently.

if you think raw fish is harmful, you should not eat. But, do not say to others "don not eat raw fish during pregnancy."
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2015/1/9 04:42
The problem for pregnant women is not raw fish but the quantity of mercury fish accumulate (some species more than others). Anyway, fish contains many nutrients so doctors do not recommend stop eating it, just being careful with the amount and species they choose to eat.

Hope this information helps.

by Hannah (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Pregnant Wife wants to eat in Sushi Dai 2015/1/9 11:13
if you think raw fish is harmful, you should not eat. But, do not say to others "don not eat raw fish during pregnancy."

Unless you are a doctor.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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