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Traveling with dogs? 2015/2/6 04:59
I'm not entirely sure what sort of rules or regulations there are when it comes to traveling with pets, especially to Japan.

I have two medium sized dogs and I don't know if there is some special regulation that you go through with them going into Japan
(ie: shots, contained for so long before reuniting ((which someone told me but it made no sense)) and ect.).

I really want to visit Japan and see if I really want a career there (well I know I do but still should experience it first hand right? lol ) But I just don't know what to expect when it comes to dogs, I looked and saw no restrictions on breeds, but if there is could you tell me??

Thanks to anyone/everyone who answers
by TakeruInudo  

Re: Traveling with dogs? 2015/2/6 09:04
Japan is a rabies-free country and has very strict quarantine regulations (up to 6 months in some cases) though it seems you can do part of it in your home country. You can find all the information in English here: http://www.maff.go.jp/aqs/english/animal/dog/index.html

I wouldn't recommend bringing your dogs just for a visit- if you're on a tourist visa they may be in quarantine twice as long as you're even in the country, and hotels and places that allow pets (even apartments that allow pets, as you'll find if you decide to live here) are not very common and you would have to find a way to get a car and drive yourself everywhere because unless your dogs are very small (like chihuahua size) you won't be able to take them on public transportation. .
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