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Ikkoku Mairi tours, Shikoku henro 2015/2/14 06:49
I read about this thing ikkoku mairi, meaning you devide the henro pilgrimage into parts in a tour.

Are there any such tours still available? Are they Japanese only?
by Joho (guest)  

Re: Ikkoku Mairi tours, Shikoku henro 2015/2/14 18:26
Yes just not everyday as travel tour
and No just some tours no tour guide or no speaking english tour guide with.
Search by "一国参り or 一国まいり(ikkoku mairi)" + "ツアー(tour)" on google.
A day trip bus tour[バスツアー] most convnient and cheap under 10000Y.
tour guide: 添乗員 + 同行(with)/なし(no)
昼食: lunch 付き(include)/なし(not)

But basically ikkoku mairi means not only tour package travel by travel agencies
just make 4 contries separating each.
愛媛 Ehime [伊予 Iyo], 香川 Kagawa [讃岐 Sanuki]
高知 kochi[土佐 Tosa], 徳島 Tokushima [阿波 Awa]
1 country(block) is "ikkoku" so make a visiting plan by ownself usual.

AAA[BBB] means new and old country name changed about 150 years ago.
BBB naming still living/using a lot.
by MD (guest) rate this post as useful

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