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Suit size measurements 2015/3/7 03:32
Strange situation, but I am currently in Tokyo for the next several months. I am attending my friend's wedding (in the US) in June and he needs my suit measurements so he can get one made. Afterwards, he's sending me the suit so I can get adjustments made at a tailor if needed.

I'm not even sure where to start. Should I find an english speaking tailor? Where can I get my measurements if I'm not buying a suit here? Can I pay a tailor just for helping me with the measuring?

by kaewn (guest)  

Re: Suit size measurements 2015/3/8 06:51
No one will help you to measure your suit size unless you buy it there.
by tokyo friend 48 rate this post as useful

Re: Suit size measurements 2015/3/10 09:52
You can go to one of the chain suit stores and get measured without the obligation to buy anything. Just note that you'll have to convert the sizes to inches before sending it to your friend or the suit shop in the US will have no idea what to do with the numbers.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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