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Weekend or Long Trip during Stud Abroad? 2015/3/12 10:52
I am planning to study abroad in Tokyo from the 30th of May until the 11th of July. I really, really want to visit cities such as Kyoto and Osaka, but I also want to visit other cities in the country. Is it enough to schedule weekend trips to each of the cities, or should I devote one-two weeks after the program to visit other cities?

Thank you.
by Meek Meek (guest)  

Re: Weekend or Long Trip during Stud Abroad? 2015/3/12 11:15
I'd suggest a mix of both. Although obviously there is a ton to see in every city in Japan, especially big ones like Kyoto and Osaka, it is possible to get a good taste in a weekend. Explore the big island (Honshu) on weekends, heading both North and South. I'd take a week or so at the end of your study abroad to explore Kyushu and/or Okinawa or Hokkaido, since it's a bit longer to get to those places, and more than a weekend might be nice!
by scarreddragon rate this post as useful

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