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Shopping for Anime Cels 2015/3/19 14:17
I'll be going to Japan in a few weeks and while I've been there a bunch of times, I've never had a full time job like I do now. And I've been saving for the trip for a while...

Given that, I was hoping to buy something unique, and given I'm a huge anime/manga fan, I was hoping to buy an original Anime Cel.

I had read that Commit was a great shop to do this but from what I've read they've actually closed... Is that true?

Does anyone have other suggestions as to where I might find something of this nature?

by blackbird2150  

Re: Shopping for Anime Cels 2015/3/19 14:32
Nakano Broadway always seems to have one or two shops selling cels; I think one is even run by Mandarake, who are unlikely to go out of business anytime soon.
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