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Meaning of this prhase?
2015/3/30 01:05
What means this phrase, I can´t find the correct meaning.
Hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.
by CeCeDrake
Re: Meaning of this prhase?
2015/3/30 04:34
I don´t know the exactly meaning could be this one:
"Maybe it´s me but don't you think you´ve passed your prime?"
by CeCeDrake
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Re: Meaning of this prhase?
2015/3/30 04:56
Depending on the context, this may or may not be what the speaker intends to convey with this sentence, but its literal meaning is more mundane.
by Firas
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Re: Meaning of this prhase?
2015/3/30 05:37
What are you having trouble with, exactly? The literal meaning of the sentence is completely straightforward, and the speaker's intended meaning is impossible to guess without context.
by Firas
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