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Translation help (Osaka henro?) 2015/4/14 17:42
I bought one of those white henro shirts in Shitennoji temple and they wrote some words on the back of it reading like this:


What is the meaning/translate of this?
by Jojo (guest)  

Re: Translation help (Osaka henro?) 2015/4/14 22:12
this is a sutra of the Singon BUddhism
reading is “μ[na]–³[nu]‘ε[dai]Žt[si]•Υ[hen]Ζ[jou]‹ΰ[kon]„[gou]

‘εŽt is meaning honorific title of the great priest
•ΥΖ‹ΰ„ is the name of the priest of the Singon Buddhism called Kuukai(he is famous person in japanese history)
this names meaning is Owner of the wisdom without breaking of Buddha making people happy and mercy to light all up like sun
and its an exclamation that “μ–³ express respect and the etymology is Sanskrit!

im so sry if you cant understand my English...

p.s. its ‹ΰ„Ξ(Ξis stone) when write a diamond in japanese XD
by yuki (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Translation help (Osaka henro?) 2015/4/15 00:18
that is the words of ^ŒΎ@,Shingon-shu, a religious sect of Buddhism in Japan, one of the oldest.
the major head temple is ‹ΰ„•υŽ›, Kongo-buji. at Koyasan(‚–μŽR).
•Υ˜H,henro, is originally derived from ^ŒΎ@,Shingon-shu.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Translation help (Osaka henro?) 2015/4/15 00:41
Thank you both for your replies,

The Shingon sect isn't related to Shitennoji as far as I know, how come I would get such a mantra on the henro shirt? Just curious.
by Jojo (guest) rate this post as useful

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