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Language school for foreigners
2015/4/26 08:53
Hello everyone, I want to reach out to anyone who is a foreigner that went to a language school in japan, I want to know if language school helps students and do some of the students get left behind? my biggest fear is to go to the language school in japan for 1 year and by the time it is over I don't really get Japanese fully, what will happen to me then? What happens to the people who do not understand Japanese by the time the language school is finished? I am really worried.
by Kisukeyo
Re: Language school for foreigners
2015/4/26 12:53
What happens to the people who do not understand Japanese by the time the language school is finished?
If their Japanese level is not sufficient for whatever they want to do, they continue studying it, or give up.
by Firas
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Re: Language school for foreigners
2015/4/26 15:06
If this is related to your previous question about the MEXT undergraduate scholarship, then the description page says this:
A grantee will not be allowed to proceed to university if he/she is determined incapable of completing the prescribed course at the preparatory school. (He/she will be required to return home upon such determination.)
So if you on't perform satisfactorily at the preparation school, it's game over as far as the MEXT scholarship is concerned.
But, frankly, I don't think you need to concern yourelf with that, since you don't have a chance of getting the scholarship in the first place.
by Firas
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Re: Language school for foreigners
2015/4/27 16:17
my biggest fear is to go to the language school in japan for 1 year and by the time it is over I don't really get Japanese fully, what will happen to me then? What happens to the people who do not understand Japanese by the time the language school is finished?
First of all, its probably unrealistic to expect to understand Japanese fully after only a year of study. It usually takes several years of study to achieve that goal (depending on the person of course). In addition, many language schools don't necessarily have a set end, so you can essentially keep on studying as long as you can afford the tuition and qualify for a visa.
If it's the MEXT courses you're worried about, let's put it this way, if you are smart enough to get a MEXT scholarship then the language classes shouldn't be a problem.
how do you Know I can't get one?
The MEXT scholarships are extremely competitive, but frankly that's just Firas being rude.
by yllwsmrf
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Re: Language school for foreigners
2015/4/27 18:57
I want to know if language school helps students and do some of the students get left behind?
I don't know exactly what you mean by "helps student's", but if there's anything that you don't understand or need clarified, you can ask the teacher about it during class, or during breaks. If you want to know if you can get help outside of lessons, then I don't think teachers are able to do that. Of course some people do fall behind, in which case they will normally be asked to repeat the term. I think these people are generally in the minority though.
my biggest fear is to go to the language school in japan for 1 year and by the time it is over I don't really get Japanese fully, what will happen to me then?
I have to agree that your plans are not very realistic. If your definition of "getting Japanese fully" is learning to an advanced level where you could pass the JLPT N1 or EJU, then that would generally take 2 years of studying at a language school. Unless your Japanese ability is around N2 level, you wouldn't be able to complete the whole curriculum within a year. I'm going to assume that you haven't reached that level yet, as someone who passed JLPT N2 in a non-immersive environment probably wouldn't have the same concerns as you, so you may want to consider studying for a further 6-12 months.
by Umechan (guest)
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Re: Language school for foreigners
2015/4/27 19:27
The MEXT scholarships are extremely competitive
That wasn't my impression, but you do need to have a little more going for you than just wanting to go to Japan.
by Firas
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Re: Language school for foreigners
2015/4/28 16:01
Well first of, you won't know unless you try.
Secondly, understanding a language depends on the individual person and his own learning speed. Even if a person is slow and takes a lot of time, if you gives it his all, his won't fall behind.
It's pretty much impossible to take a year of any language class and not know anything about it. Just work hard and study and you will succeed.
Generally, preparing before you even get the classes is really helpful. You can get started using apps, learn Hiragana, Katakana, particles and you will will have a better chance of understanding them in class.
by amzshow
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