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Rotenburo in Takayama/Gero 2015/5/1 11:17
Can someone please advise me which sotoyu, or public bath houses, have outdoor baths in Gero? What are the best public bath houses for outdoor baths and natural views? Also I want to go to Hirayunomori and Kojin-no-yu in Tochio Onsen, do these public bath houses both have rotenburo or is Hirayunomori indoors only? Thank you.
by jennjett (guest)  

Re: Rotenburo in Takayama/Gero 2015/5/4 10:06
Funsenchi in Gero (Need swim wear)
by Travel Arrange Japan rate this post as useful

Re: Rotenburo in Takayama/Gero 2015/5/4 10:12
It isn't what you have asked, but hotel associa at Takayama has very elaborate bathing facilities withy natural looking baths on 2 floors of the building overlooking Takayama town. So you essentially can sit out in the bath getting snowed on (when it is snowing) with forests on one side, and a drop on the other with your views. There are plenty of baths to choose from, inside and out.

It is really spectacular. The hotel is good value, too.
by Lazy Pious (guest) rate this post as useful

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