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tokyo metro line and toei subway 2015/5/11 12:08
Hi, I plan to tour around tokyo , my hotel is at ginza area, and plan to go to asakusa,shinjuku,harajuku,shibuya,akihabara.
should I buy tokyo metro 1 day ticket , thanks...
by mirriam chen (guest)  

Re: tokyo metro line and toei subway 2015/5/11 15:05
Open PDF.

"Tokyo Metro 1-Day Open Ticket" NOT covered
"Toei" subway and other railway company(JR and more) lines.

"Toei" is not same subway(as underground rail) company.
by Tz (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: tokyo metro line and toei subway 2015/5/11 15:12
You'd be better to buy the Metro/Toei one day ticket for Y1000.
This way you can go on both subway lines. Make sure you will use
Y1000 worth of travel.

You can buy them in advance at most station offices of both subway companies, and select the date, or you can buy them on the day of use at a vending machine of either subway company.
by LoveJapan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: tokyo metro line and toei subway 2015/5/11 15:27
The 1000 yen pass can be difficult to make pay off in a day. You might consider getting a Suica or Pasmo IC card instead which would be more convenient and possibly cheaper.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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