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Mt. Fuji Overnight climb July 10-11, 2015 2015/5/15 14:57

Can you recommend a group that I can join for an overnight climb on the dates mentioned? I believe that it's still better to have a climbing buddy.
Is Yoshida the easiest trail?

I already checked some sites but their available climb dates doesn't match mine.

Will greatly appreciate inputs.

by Julie (guest)  

Re: Mt. Fuji Overnight climb July 10-11, 2015 2015/5/16 01:31
I did this one two years ago

Its going to a better Onsen too lol. It was pretty good tour and trek. But I think most tour groups start in the second week of July like this one, not really on your dates. Be warned that you should actually bring winter gear that is water proof including your bag or backpack. It was raining as we went up and very cold at night and early morning, about 3C. Also recommended to bring more warm clothes to add on as you go up. It will start warm because sunny and lower altitude but it will get cold! Brrr. At one point I was thinking of quitting around station 9 but still went on and made it!
I guess the other thing is to not push your self to much as you can get altitude sickness.
Our group had 12 people, 2 drop out at 6 station and 1 drop out around 8 station due to signs of altitude sickness.

Oh and bring plenty of energy drinks and water and snacks, it will be heavy at first but as you go up and drink more, it will be less and less. I bough about 20 drinks before the tour and ended with zero at the end. Drinks and snacks will get expensive as you go up. Also you need tons of 100yen coins for the washrooms and it will also get more expensive is you go up.

Hope this helps!!!
Have Fun!!!
by Koohii2wii rate this post as useful

Re: Mt. Fuji Overnight climb July 10-11, 2015 2015/5/16 07:02
Yamanashi and Shizuoka both regional city council do not recommend to climb overnight. It's too perilous. I don't think you can find a group to do overnight climbing.
by tokyo friend 48 rate this post as useful

Re: Mt. Fuji Overnight climb July 10-11, 2015 2015/5/26 00:47
Thank you so much for your replies.
by Julie (guest) rate this post as useful

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