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Study abroad / Exchange student 2015/5/19 02:15
I might want to do exchange student program from my university. A litt

Hi again,
Just curious, what should I consider when calculating costs for the study abroad? Apparently the application and entrance fee is paid through the school but the accommodation and food expenses are not included of course. What else to consider. Flight tickets, airport transfer, insurance?, local transport, etc...?

The schools available for exchange is Kansai Gaidai outside of Osaka and Miyako University in Sendai. I could not find any programs guide for the Miyako but apparently the amount of international students are lower in Sendai meaning possibly more Japanese practice.

Anyone had any experience of these universities?
by Genki (guest)  

Re: Study abroad / Exchange student 2015/5/19 12:25
There is no "Miyako University" in Sendai, you may be referring to the Miyagi University of Education, abbreviated "Miyakyo".
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Study abroad / Exchange student 2016/2/10 16:18
I would recommend to address to Educate the Planet foundation. This foundation provides scholarship to study abroad for international student including internship and [url=]gcse scholarships[/url].
by PatricDiran rate this post as useful

Re: Study abroad / Exchange student 2016/2/15 10:54
PatricDiran: as far as we know, educatetheplanet does not deal with Japan. Does it?
by Motivist rate this post as useful

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