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Translation for tattoo
2015/6/28 01:22
Hello there,
I love Japanese culture, but my Japanese is very bad. I want a tattoo with a certain text, translated into proper Japanese. I tried google translate but I don't trust it enough for something that permanent. If anyone could help me I would be ever so grateful. The text is: "The sky is falling. The wind is calling. Stand for something or die in the morning".
Thanks in advance!
by Joshua (guest)
Re: Translation for tattoo
2015/6/28 14:29
世の終わりだ 風が呼んでいる 立ち上がろう 朝死ぬために
"The sky is falling" translated as the whole world is ending in Japanese bible, so it may be slightly different meaning. This is still unsure. 空が落ちてくる is the straight translation but I don't think it's a natural translation, I understand the feeling you want to say.
by tokyo friend 48
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Re: Translation for tattoo
2015/6/28 14:36
Sorry, tokyo friend 48's translation misses the meaning of "or" in the second half. His translation says "let us stand up in order to die in the morning."
by ... (guest)
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Re: Translation for tattoo
2015/6/28 14:50
Yeah, and be sure you use that font when engraving ink in yourself ;)
by Uco
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Re: Translation for tattoo
2015/6/30 01:40
This is why kanji tattoo are so silly... :-)
by 入れ墨 (guest)
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