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About adult language courses 2015/7/8 19:32
I am British national. Single. I visited in japan for holiday in 2013.I loved the country and culture and food and language. I would love to move in to any where in japan and learn the language. But my big question is my age. I am 52 now. But I am single independent person. Am I too old to be a student and to get a place and study the language?? Is the any adult language colleges available any where in japan?
I would be so greatfull if I get a answer Pl
Many thanks
Neil costa
by Neil costa (guest)  

Re: About adult language courses 2015/7/9 11:38
No problem. I think all language schools in JP will welcome you to attend.
by tokyo friend 48 rate this post as useful

Re: About adult language courses 2015/7/9 12:35
Language schools don't have any restriction about the applicant's age.

Having said that, many schools are geared towards overseas students wishing to attend a university in Japan after studies (to bring up their Japanese language proficiency level to a working level within 1.5 to 2 years) that the pace might be quite fast. You might want to consider asking some schools what kind of student mix they have, and if any English language is used (if at all) in classes to get a feel of the classroom environment.

How long do you intend to study in Japan? I don't know where in the UK you are, but have you taken/looked any Japanese language classes in the UK?
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: About adult language courses 2015/7/9 15:56
Many thanks for the positive answers. I would stay in japan only one year or so. I still Dont know. And i am planing to come to japan next year by Sumner time. I live bit further away from a city in England. I am learning Japanese on line every day. I take one to two hours every day and practising it. But lately I thought if I live in japan I will be able to get improve my knowledge more than here. Because there is no one to speak with in Japanese here. Also I want to learn bonsai and. Japanese cooking as well.
by Neil costa (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: About adult language courses 2015/7/9 17:24
The reason why I asked you how long you might intend to stay is because of visa.

If you want to stay for a relatively short time, let's say 3 months (or 6 months - I believe for UK nationals), you can come just with your passport, get Temporary Visitor status upon entry, and study either in full-time or part-time courses as you wish. (Of course you need to have found a school in advance, though.) So if you want to go at your own pace, small-group lessons or private lessons would work too.

But if you want to stay for one year, you would need to get a "student" visa, by enrolling in a full-time course at an accredited school. You need to look for a school, apply in advance with the school for a full-time course, get them to sponsor you for the visa, etc.

Bonsai and cooking - those will be available on short (maybe day) classes.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: About adult language courses 2015/7/11 16:31
I am 45 and have studied full time both in tokyo and osaka. Age is no problem in itself but i did get frustrated by the immaturity of some my classmates who at 20 had different priorities to me...

If you are planning on a short course then a tourist visa is fine. You can just turn up and take it from there. You can get a fairly cheap fee because your visa lets you study so the school has no hold over you regarding your visa. If you are planning a year i would personally recommend kyoto. A number of universities run reasonably priced 1 year japanese courses than run separately from normal uni. Kyoto is much cheaper to live than tokyo which i would avoid just for the cost of what you get for your money compared to elsewhere.
by Richard (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: About adult language courses 2015/7/28 11:40
About the visa, why don't you try the Cultural Activities?

For the school I definitely recommend you Coto Academy (

As it has been said previously, even if there is no age restriction, the public of Japanese language school can be very young and ... not motivated at all.

I experienced it first time I went to Japan and was terribly disappointed after 2 bad experiences.

Later, I found a great school (just check the review on internet, you will see!) recommended to me by an expatriate.

I learned more in 3 months with them, than 6 months in usual school. Class are small (3-8 students) and the public is adult (tourists, expatriates, workers). I tried all their courses (intensive, group and private).

They will not provide visa, but you will learn so much more in 3 months as a tourist, than one year student in a crappy school.
by ameliemarieintokyo rate this post as useful

Re: About adult language courses 2015/8/26 11:19
@ ameliemarieintokyo I am also looking at Coto Academy as an option for a four week beginner's intensive course. Can you elaborate what their intensive courses are like in terms of the material they cover and method?
by Bdat (guest) rate this post as useful

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