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Japanese proficiency
2015/8/24 00:46
I was wondering how long averagely would it take to be able to have a basic understanding of Japanese and be able to have a basic conversation with a native speaker.
I'm going to Japan in a year on home stay and right now, my Japanese is very basic. By the time I leave, I plan to have studied about 72 hours with classes. Where do you think that will take me on top of my basic understanding right now? Any feedback?
by BlooMikado
Re: Japanese proficiency
2015/8/24 09:53
Everyone learns at a different pace, but just for reference, my non-Japanese spouse, when he came to Japan with practically no knowledge of the language, says he got to a level he could "cope" with the Japanese language after one year of full-time study at a Japanese language school in Japan. And back then barely anyone spoke English, so almost full immersion outside the classes as well.
by AK
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Re: Japanese proficiency
2015/8/26 14:00
Depends what you mean by "basic" I suppose, but I would say five hundred to a thousand hours of study (not just classroom hours). These things are extremely hard to measure, though.
by Harimogura (guest)
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