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Please help me translate something to kanji 2015/9/12 05:32
I would like to get a tattoo saying "Willpower". I have been googling and found a lot of images and texts and they are all different. An example of this:

As you can see, all of those have the same translation...

I would hate to tattoo the wrong text on my body, since a tattoo is permanent.

Could anyone tell me which of the above is the correct one?
by Pat (guest)  

Re: Please help me translate something to kanji 2015/9/12 13:38
Well, those words do have different "nuances," and some are not even "willpower.," and that is why it is better not to get any tattoo in a language you don't fully understand :)

Just to give you a brief description of each (emphasis on the differences), from the top:
- will power (either strong or weak)
- capability make bold decisions/make decisions quick (you have it or you don't)
- self-control/self-restraint (you have it or you don't)
- spiritual strength (either strong or weak)
- fighting spirit (you have it or you don't)

Also, if you must get this tattoo done, be sure to have it done by someone who knows better font than this, know the correct strokes - in other words, who know the language and can do it right.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Please help me translate something to kanji 2015/9/12 14:45


Strong will,Persevering,Never give up etc

by kt (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Please help me translate something to kanji 2015/9/12 23:52
I'm afraid your original question itself shows the lack of your understanding about what a foreign language is.

Context is always necessary when translating a word. The shorter the phrase, the more explanation you need when requesting to translate it.

The difference of the 5 kanji versions on your link is already written along with them, and they are shown where it says "translation" below the kanji. AK has added more explanations and I can think of dozens of other kanji versions depending on the context.

But it's all up to you to judge which explanation fits the "willpower" you have in mind. We cannot judge that for you. And you may think that kanji looks more cool than the English "willpower," but if you come to Japan or China, the English "willpower" will look a lot cooler than a kanji version.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Please help me translate something to kanji 2015/9/13 01:21
I'd consider kt's suggestion. Four kanji compounds usually express these sorts of things best, IMO.
by Harimogura (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Please help me translate something to kanji 2015/9/13 04:43
Thanks a lot for your answers guys.

It looks best when I use three kanji compounds, and from up to down (vertical).

For those of you who can read kanji, what does this say: "ˆÓŽu—Í". And can it be written like so:

ps: What "Willpower" means to me, is to never ever quit and keep going for your goals. So basically what kt said: "Œ˜”E•s”²".

Can this be written vertical? and does the 3 kanji compound I wrote above say nearly the same as the 4 compound one? Because the 3 compound one looks better as a tattoo.
Thanks =)
by Pat (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Please help me translate something to kanji 2015/9/13 11:28
For those of you who can read kanji, what does this say: "ˆÓŽu—Í".

The explanations given so far are accurate.

And can it be written like so:

Yes, it can.

But there is no poetic aspect in this word, so to me, it doesn't seem suitable at all for a tattoo.

ps: What "Willpower" means to me, is to never ever quit and keep going for your goals. So basically what kt said: "Œ˜”E•s”²".

Can this be written vertical?

Of course.

and does the 3 kanji compound I wrote above say nearly the same as the 4 compound one? Because the 3 compound one looks better as a tattoo.

It depends on your definition of "nearly." They are different words, so of course there is a difference in meaning and usage. You really don't seem to understand the idea of what languages are.

By the way, Œ˜”E•s”² is more like an idiom or an old saying. Not many people are familiar with it. It means more about tolerating rather than moving forward. Old kanji sayings are usually written in 4 kanji characters.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Please help me translate something to kanji 2015/9/13 20:06
Hi,this is Inataro. Im Japnaese.(26 years old male)

Your saying
ps: What "Willpower" means to me, is to never ever quit and keep going for your goals.

Accoding to the above your saying, I think the best word to you is ‰ŽuŠÑ“O.

The pronunciation are as below

‰Žu means gone's original puroposeh
ŠÑ“O means gaccomplishmenth

‰@means gfirsth orgoriginalh.
Žu@means gwillhorgambitionh.
ŠÑ@meansgpiercehorgthroughhorgcarry outh.
“O@meansgput one's heart and soulh.

Some Japanese use ‰ŽuŠÑ“O as a good nuance.
For example,

Man A: My friend finally became a lawyer.Thats his dream from childfood.So he studied hard.
Man B: Oh,thats great!! He has dane(achived) g‰ŽuŠÑ“Oh.

How about this??
by inataro rate this post as useful

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