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Hiking around Nagoya 2015/9/23 19:31
Hello Hikers,

Nagoya is surrounded by mountains in almost any direction. So I wonder which places are good to reach without using public transit, and nice to visit.
If you know something, please state how to get there, the general difficulty, and the length of the trip.

I found the blog "" and it offers some information about hikes around Nagoya.

I have done this lovely walk a week ago:

Currently I am especially interested in hikes that can be done on one day, around the Inuyama area.

Thanks in advance!
by Jinxed  

Re: Hiking around Nagoya 2015/9/24 22:04
You can refer to the following website regarding Inuyama area trip:
by Hiro (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Hiking around Nagoya 2015/9/27 18:24
You can always visit the Nakasendo sites. Unuma-juku is just across the bridge from Inuyama City in Kakamigahara. You could do your walk/hike visiting Unuma-juku, Inuyama Naritasan, and Inuyama Castle.

You could walk to Momotaro Shrine.

Kakamigahara also has other walks if you want to walk to Tengudani. On the way there is a lake where you can feed the carp and a historic theater that is still in operation (viewable from the outside. To enter you probably need a reservation or to visit during the time of year when there is a performance).
by Rabbityama rate this post as useful

Re: Hiking around Nagoya 2015/9/27 18:36
If you can read Japanese and really like local hiking, I suggest the Rekishi Sanpo books (Historic Walks):

Above is the link for Owari Province (western Aichi), which includes Inuyama. You may also like Gifu Prefecture's since you are bordering it, and of course they have a book for the Mikawa Province (the western half of Aichi) and any other parts of Japan that you may be interested in.
by Rabbityama rate this post as useful

Re: Hiking around Nagoya 2015/9/28 18:54
Thank you so much for your replies. I will consider each of them, as I will travel this area frequently.

This time, I did two nice hikes around Hatobukiyama area, each about 3hours.
OSM: 35.419,136.999
It was very easy to reach with Meitetsu line (get off at Kanigawa or Inuyamayuuen).
by Jinxed rate this post as useful

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