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Books / Light Novels / games with furigana? 2015/10/8 17:15
Is there a list of books / light novels (the small books with anime drawings) / games that have furigana readings for the kanji?
by furigana (guest)  

Re: Books / Light Novels / games with furigana? 2015/10/8 19:44
I don't think there is such a list. But the most books published for primary school pupils are Furigana written.
"Kuromajo-san ga toru" is a popular light novel series for school children with Furigana. "Kuromajo-san ga toru" is published by Kodansha, under Aoitori bunko, but Aoitori bunko also publish books for junior high school pupils without Furigana, so you must carefully check inside. You can have check inside the book from Amazon.
by tokyo friend 48 rate this post as useful

Re: Books / Light Novels / games with furigana? 2015/10/9 16:15
A lot of all-ages manga have furigana but *most* books and light novels do not as far as I know. Depending on your kanji skills, though, a simple book should still be readable. (You can always try and ask the shop assistant).
by DTryPleX rate this post as useful

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