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Grammar; Eating with chopsticks
2015/10/15 09:10
When you want to say "Eating with Chopsticks" I learned that you say はし で 食べる .
But why exactly do we use で?
I've only studied Japanese for two months, so would be greatfull if I could get some help with this dilemma. Thanks
by Daigakusei Osuro
Re: Grammar; Eating with chopsticks
2015/10/15 11:46
When you talking about the means/tool for doing something, you use "de", just like you would say "densha de gakkou in ikimasu" (I take the train to school/I go to school by/using the train), or "basu de kaisha ni ikimasu." ((I take the bus to the company /using the bus, I go to the company).
"De" is used in different meanings, one of them is this "using (something) to do something," and "doing something in a (location), which I am sure you have learned already or will learn soon.
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