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Where to study yakuzenryouri? 2015/10/18 02:29
I want to study yakuzenryouri when I go to Japan, but I don't know where I can study it at.
I'm planning on staying in Japan for 3 months(I want to stay forever), and want to study many health related things. I'm staying at a friends house in Tokyo, so it would be cool if you told me about any yakuzen-cooking classes in Tokyo.

By the way, I'm knowledgeable about gluten-free and organic cooking, so I would like to be an organic cook in Japan or make novel food items. I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me how I could do this as a job in Japan too.
Thank you so much.
by Stephen ステファン (guest)  

Re: Where to study yakuzenryouri? 2015/10/18 15:30
If you want to work as a chef in Japan, you would need to have attended cooking training school (credential) and have good professional experience already, and must find a restaurant who is interested in hiring you as one.

To study "yakuzen ryori," you might want to inquire with places like this:

This is one school that teaches "yakuzen ryori" in Nakano, Tokyo, and is registered with this association, which also qualifies "yakuzen" chefs:
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