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difference between desu and iru and aru? 2015/12/15 20:47
Is desu just the polite version of aru and iru? Can desu be used for both ?
by robert (guest)  

Re: difference between desu and iru and aru ? 2015/12/16 08:55
No and no.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: difference between desu and iru and aru ? 2015/12/16 10:08
"desu" is the polite version of "da," the "be" verb in English.

"iru" and "aru" have their own respective polite forms: "imasu" and "arimasu."
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: difference between desu and iru and aru? 2015/12/17 02:45
I think that it is a good idea to think of desu as "IT is" and arimasu/imasu as "THERE is," or perhaps just "exists." Try to imagine what might come before desu or arimasu/imasu to get a better idea of the differences.

A: ano biru wa nan desu ka?
B: eki desu.

A: asoko ni nani ga arimasu ka?
B: eki ga arimasu.

Of course it's far more complicated than the examples suggest but I think this is a good way of looking at it as a beginner.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: difference between desu and iru and aru? 2015/12/17 15:16
Ive heard that desu is used to say 'is' and aru,iru is used to express something about an object or someone
by elasys rate this post as useful

Re: difference between desu and iru and aru? 2015/12/28 13:50
please try the Kanji conversion, at facing trouble.
Maybe it's the best way.
1. desu: です   (Modal verb)
 Polite language of "is".
2. aru : 有る/在る(Verb)
 Exist as Material / Object / Essense )
3. iru : 居る   (Verb)
 Exist as Life Being)

How about this ?
by KitKatze rate this post as useful

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