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Where to throw cigarrettes ? 2015/12/17 18:58

It may be a strange question but in Japan, in village or small towns, you can smoke cigarrettes out of the smoking zone. Then, where should i throw my cigarrettes ?
In France, people throw them on the ground but i think this is a bad idea to do this in Japan. So your advices will help me :)

Thank you !
by NicoPower  

Re: Where to throw cigarrettes ? 2015/12/17 19:36
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Where to throw cigarrettes ? 2015/12/18 00:51
Just ask for a "haizara" at a convenience store. They should have some inexpensive kind if they carry "Tobacco." (Some convenience stores are are now "tobacco free.")

It's now best to look for a designated smoking area. In some places you can now get a fine for smoking outside a smoking zone or along a street.

poketo haizara (pocket ashtray)
keitai haizara (portable ashtray)
by Anaguma (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Where to throw cigarrettes ? 2015/12/18 03:57
I want to make sure I don't accidentally offend anyone or get a fine - Are smoking areas fairly easily marked? Are they somewhat easy to come by? I've seen photos of glass enclosures but am wondering if those are only in more metro areas - When I'm out and about (hiking, sidetowns etc) do I just make sure Im not around anyone/homes/businesses and then use a pocket ashtray to pick up after myself?

Thanks for the help : )
by HaliRose rate this post as useful

Re: Where to throw cigarrettes ? 2015/12/18 05:12
I quit smoking two years ago, however, I traveled to Japan many times as a smoker.

There are now less and less smoking areas..thankfully! Although there may more places to sneak a cigarette in rural areas, please be aware that smoking is not permitted on most hiking trails. And, places such as Kyoto do not permit smoking at all within a large area of the city.

Finally, please do use a portable ashtray.
by Ohara (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Where to throw cigarrettes ? 2015/12/18 06:09
It seems like all my friends smoke as they're businessmen and do a lot of business in snack bars (where you can smoke). Most train stations have a section of the platform (one end a long ways off) that's marked with signs and arrows. Malls usually have some place outside so designated. You may have to ask, but nowadays they're easy to spot by the large group of smokers all gathered in one spot. Your best clue is the existence of ashtrays, sometimes with anti-smoking signs on the side:
Don't forget to stay inside the white line:
by Anaguma (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Where to throw cigarrettes ? 2015/12/18 06:48

Where would you throw any other rubbish?

And, given that you acknowledge that it's not accepted to smoke anywhere you like, out of consideration for others, do you really not know how to solve this problem?

I smoke myself. It's really not that hard to work out what to do. If you're not smoking in a place that's specifically for smokers, then you just show some consideration - keep out of the way of non-smokers and don't throw your butts in the street.

I'm surprised that anyone needs to ask this question.
by Winter Visitor (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Where to throw cigarrettes ? 2015/12/18 07:54
If you can't smoke without your smoke getting in someone's way, I'm sure you wouldn't smoke.
If you keep your eyes peeled, you'll see that there are bins and ashtrays fairly well spread around, where you can dispose of your extinguished butt.
Hotels, convenience stores, restaurants, etc will generally have ashtrays outside.
by Winter Visitor (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Where to throw cigarrettes ? 2015/12/18 12:56
Where would you throw any other rubbish?

And, given that you acknowledge that it's not accepted to smoke anywhere you like, out of consideration for others, do you really not know how to solve this problem?

I smoke myself. It's really not that hard to work out what to do. If you're not smoking in a place that's specifically for smokers, then you just show some consideration - keep out of the way of non-smokers and don't throw your butts in the street.

I'm surprised that anyone needs to ask this question.

Actually this is a perfectly valid question. In many cities in the world there are rubbish bins with a section for cigarette butts. I'm from Australia where people put their butts in these bins, or often just leave them on the ground. When someone asks a question to help them be a considerate tourist when they come to Japan, they don't deserve this type of rude response. I've seen tourists in Japan just butt their cigarette out on the street and walk away, because unlike the OP, they didn't bother to ask anyone or even think about it before their trip. I hope next time someone asks a question about etiquette in Japan you won't be so dismissive.
by Jenn Jett (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Where to throw cigarrettes ? 2015/12/18 17:29
If people really do need to be told what to do with rubbish, then I really do apologise, and wish them well as they try to negotiate life's other tricky conundrums.
by Winter Visitor (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Where to throw cigarrettes ? 2015/12/19 14:50
Garbage disposal is a huge topic with endless differences between countries and regions, and one of the largest causes of friction between Japanese people and foreigners. Certainly a very justified and appreciated question.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Where to throw cigarrettes ? 2015/12/21 03:18
My apologies.
by Winter Visitor rate this post as useful

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