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English teachers - best time to apply? 2016/1/3 00:04
Good afternoon,

I wondered if anyone could kindly offer me with some advice on this, (preferably someone with experience).

I am coming to Japan in March to live with my Japanese girlfriend. We already have an apartment and she will be working full time with a good salary. I have lots of savings however I still need to find a job. My visa is working holiday so I have a year. I have no degree, however I do have a TEFL if that helps at all. I know due to not having a degree my options are very limited however i understand that as I have a visa, I can maybe find a low paying English teaching job.

My question is, should I apply now in advanced using Gaijin pot ETC. or shall I wait until I get to Japan? Im worried that now is too early then if i try and apply again when actually in Japan I am rejected at first glance.

Any advice?


by dcd  

Re: English teachers - best time to apply? 2016/1/3 09:18
It wouldn't hurt to apply now anyway, would it? If you find something, great, otherwise you can continue looking when you arrive in Japan.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: English teachers - best time to apply? 2016/1/3 09:35
It wouldn't hurt to apply now although I find that applicants that are already in Japan and has the proper work documents allowing them to work in Japan tend to have a leg up. The company doesn't have to worry about the getting a visa and can meet the potential employee in person if need be if they are already in Japan.
by Goober (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: English teachers - best time to apply? 2016/1/3 18:35
Marry her. Problem over! You can do anything once you have the Golden Visa. I'm being serious.
by Guest (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: English teachers - best time to apply? 2016/1/3 18:48
If you are moving over in March, then I think you can start applying with your resume, tell them you will be in Japan as soon as March (so you have the visa already?), and see if the potential employers will be interested first for example doing a Skype interview and things like that. Do whatever you can do in advance if you are coming soon.

Another thing: what the above poster said has some truth in it; you have one year on Working Holiday, but after that, since you do not have a (bachelor's?) degree, you will not be eligible for a work-permitting resident status/visa on your own after that expires. So... you might want to think about getting married and changing over to Spouse of Japanese National status to ensure that you will be able to continue to stay in Japan.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: English teachers - best time to apply? 2016/1/14 19:08
Theoretically anyone with a Bachelors Degree from an accredited college and speaks good English and is from US, UK, Australia, NZ, or Canada can apply to teach English in the Conversation Schools. Doesn't matter where they are living at the time of application. Many of my astute fellow users have pointed out that, as is often the case, it's not quite that simple. Already being in Japan at the time of application is said to be a BIG plus as the Eikawai doesn't have to bother with sponsoring the applicant. As of yesterday, Berlitz makes it very clear that for instructors in Tokyo area (only place they're hiring right now) you MUST already be in country. Nova waffles on this point and Aeon is silent on the issue.
So, in my case, I'm going to send in the best possible resume and cover letter, pray a lot, and have a back-up plan for working. As you have the option of applying in Japan, for heaven sakes do so. Good luck.
by johnnyman9 (guest) rate this post as useful

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