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Studying abroad alone? 2016/1/6 02:20

So I am planning on going to a Japanese Language School either Oct 2016 or Jan 2017 and I am really excited, however I still have a lot of questions.

I finally told my sister last night about my plans and she was supportive but not %100 supportive , she said I should be going with someone because it's just generally safer and better and if I don't find anyone to go with then I shouldn't go. However it's not easy to just fine someone that has the same plan as you. So I wanted to know from the people that did go study abroad alone, how was your experience?

by Melging  

Re: Studying abroad alone? 2016/1/6 10:47
Hi. :D
I am from Japan but currently living in Canada to learn English.

In my opinion, I don't think it will be dangerous.
When I was in university, I had lived alone for 4 years since I was 18, but nothing happened.
In addition, one of my friends was an international student in Japan, and she said she came to Japan alone when she was 18, and then she started to live by herself.

I think it sounds totally fine that you go to Japan alone.
by Chie9 rate this post as useful

Re: Studying abroad alone? 2016/1/6 11:10
Virtually everyone goes off to study abroad alone. It's part of the process and you'll make friends almost immediately in your classes. Other than that, Japan is a pretty safe county. You can't throw caution to the wind, but it's one of the safest places I've ever been.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Studying abroad alone? 2016/1/6 12:01
That's what I thought, many, many people have went to foreign countries alone, and a lot of those people go to actual pretty dangerous countries, obviously I have to be safe and I can't just expect everything to be perfect and if I do find someone who is also going then I rather go with a friend, but obviously I will be researching and going alone is part of the independent process!

Any more experiences would be great to hear, thanks!
by Melging rate this post as useful

Re: Studying abroad alone? 2016/1/14 10:45
Hi Melging,

Japan may be (/is) the safest developed country in the world (well, after Singapore, that is). It is extremely safe. One feels safe walking alone in the middle of night. You may forget your wallet in a restaurant only to find it back where it was hours later. Etc ...

As you will go to a Japanese school, you will find that staff in Japanese schools are very helpful (that's just the way services are in Japan: always the extra step to help). And you will make friends quickly. Perhaps you will share accommodations with fellow students.

There is really no worry to have. You will be fine and probably have the best time of your life. Each year thousands of young people go study in Japan.
by Motivist (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Studying abroad alone? 2016/1/24 13:25
That is a great post, thanks!

I'm really glad by these posts, I always heard Japan is safe but then again I understand why they can be worried, it is a foreign country, but that doesn't mean it makes it bad!
by Melging rate this post as useful

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