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IB student Japanese universities 2016/1/7 06:47
Hi all
Im an IB student and will graduate on July since I will take IB finals on May
I am planning to go to a Japanese university so I am applying to Japanese universities (prolly gonna be Waseda SILS, SPSE, Keio Pearl, GIGA, and actually I have already applied to Sophia FLA)
My IB scores are predicted 37 but I don't feel quite confident with my predicted grades since my previous term scores were 32, 30, and 35... every term i got 4 for history lol

Also i got 97 for TOEFL

Is there high possibilities to be offered from those universitie?
If so, would the offers be unconditional or conditional?

I want to know the boundary grades for each university..
by Phil (guest)  

Re: IB student Japanese universities 2016/1/7 20:38
Well... you won't be able to enter a Japanese university at that point in time. The Japanese school year starts in April, so you're looking at the possibility of mid-year entries, which I'm not sure Japanese universities have. I *could* look that up, but honestly? That's something you should probably be doing (I teach IB, in Japan - and my students would check that out themselves first).
Now... at this point in time, most Japanese universities aren't accepting IB. It's growing, but I have no idea whether your selections do. Again: you should be checking this. Also, I don't think there are conditional/unconditional offers in Japan, an offer is an offer.
I have to say this, as an IB student, I'd have imagined that you would be a little more proactive in discovering the answers yourself. "Inquirers"... "Knowledgeable"... "Thinkers" - and all that!

You're taking TOEFL? So... English isn't your first language? How's your Japanese? Because that's going to be crucial...

But Phil? Japan can be an extremely rewarding and rich environment in which to live/study - so... good luck in your pursuit!
by doninjapan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: IB student Japanese universities 2016/1/7 23:14
@doninjapan.... You criticise OP for not looking into things when you are the one thats uninformed...You know Japan has september admissions for international students right?

As for OP, email the universities for the boundaries. In my experience they respond fast and are informative as well.
by Byshamon (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: IB student Japanese universities 2016/4/1 01:56
@doninjapan i'm sorry to say that but actually you're the one who's totally uninformed.. Yes there are admissions for september entrance and generally it's for international students. Even programs are taught in english (therefore japanese language isn't recquired). And yes there are conditional offer and unconditional offer.

(I know what im talking about. Im going through all this actually lol)

by lolw (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: IB student Japanese universities 2016/4/1 12:18
It's pointless to have a go at doninjapan for being uninformed - he's not the one who should be informed. The OP, on the other hand, should do their own research since it's them who wants to apply mid-year.
by / (guest) rate this post as useful

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