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Specific Visa Application (Form) Questions 2016/1/13 20:02
Hi I hope you guys can help. I'm in the process of filling my Visa Application to submit with my CoE. There are a few questions on the application form that I'm having difficulties with.

Note: I'm from the USA and will be working with Nova

'Dates and duration of previous stays in Japan'
I've been to Japan 3 times. The first time was over 15 years ago and I don't have my previous passport. Any ideas on how to approach this?

'ID No. issued to you by your government'
Social Security Number or Drivers License?

'Purpose of visit to Japan'
I read somewhere that I should put my visa class ( Specialist in Humanities) here?

'Current profession or occupation and position'
I'm not currently working. Should I put unemployed? Will this hurt my chances of receiving my visa?

Thank you in advance!
by Starbeam03  

Re: Specific Visa Application (Form) Questions 2016/1/15 13:10
Anyone? ;_;
by Starbeam03 rate this post as useful

Re: Specific Visa Application (Form) Questions 2016/1/15 15:54
1) Just put the approximate dates. If you are questioned when applying in person about it, just tell them the truth and that you have written approximate dates that you can remember. There won't be any issues.

2) Some governments issue ID numbers which are stated on passports. If you do not have one, just leave it blank.

3) Just put down to teach English or employment as English instructor.

4) Unemployed is fine. If you are questioned, just explain that you left your current job to move to Japan. It won't hurt your chances of getting the visa.

The Consular staff will point out any corrections you need to make. No need to worry really as you have the COE which is the most important thing.
by SDJ (guest) rate this post as useful

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