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Temporary address for a residence card? 2016/1/17 23:26

I will be entering japan on February the 1st on a working holiday visa. According to the information I have read I will receive a residence card at the airport and I will need to go to a local office to provide an address within 2 weeks.

1.) Can this be something temporary, like a hostel that I might be staying at for a month or so, until I find a suitable share-house, guesthouse or appartment?

2.) If this is a temporary address, like a hostel, can I use it to open a bank account, which I need to get a cell phone subscription and a My Number?

by Tom (guest)  

Re: Temporary address for a residence card? 2016/1/18 17:44
I don't see why not, but if you want to use it for official purposes, make sure you can receive mail there.

As long as the address is properly registered, you can use it like any other address.
by Firas rate this post as useful

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