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Attending University in Japan (Full Course) 2016/1/18 13:39

I am in year 12 at the moment, meaning im graduating high school in 6 months, and i am very interested in studying or attending university in japan.

I want to study either arts(graphic design) or linguistics. I've also studied Japanese since year seven but dropped the subject at the end of 2015, because the course was via distance education, and I really wasn't learning anything- phone calls once a week for 15 minutes doesn't really amount to a face-to-face class.

I also don't really want to just go for a one year study exchange program, rather, I want to do my whole course overseas and continue to reside in japan and hopefully get a job after I graduate! I know it's probably not realistic but it's what I'm aiming for at this moment!

I was wondering if anybody had any information about foreigners doing full time courses in Japan, how I can apply (and hopefully get in) to a international university and study for the duration I would be studying in Australia.

Would a language university be a better option as well, like an intensive 3 month course prior to admission and enrollment into a university, just so I could have a better grasp on the language and surface what I have already learned?

Sorry this post is all over the place, any information would be very helpful too!!! Thank you!!!
by itsmarisa  

Re: Attending University in Japan (Full Course) 2016/1/18 14:49
Hokkaido's Modern Japanese studies program ( ) may suit you. ToDai and Nagoya also have similar programs.

Look at the G30 programs ( ) - otherwise you need to get your Japanese to JLPT N2 / N1 level, then take the EJU.
by Dainichi Heater rate this post as useful

Re: Attending University in Japan (Full Course) 2016/1/18 15:24
Apply to international Christian university! Applications are open now. I'm also a senior in HS and I'm applying there. Check out their website and contact them if you have any questions, they are really nice and respond extremely fast!
by Byschhop (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Attending University in Japan (Full Course) 2016/1/18 16:26
Apply to international Christian university! Applications are open now. I'm also a senior in HS and I'm applying there. Check out their website and contact them if you have any questions, they are really nice and respond extremely fast!
by Byschhop (guest) rate this post as useful

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