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Important Mail to the US 2016/1/19 15:05
I am an ALT here in Japan and will have to file taxes back home in the US. Everyone I've talked to recommended the guide below, which has to mailing the forms instead of doing anything online.

When it comes to important papers such as taxes to the IRS, how do you mail them? I'd like to be able to be able to keep track of them to ensure they don't get lost and I'd also like them to be shipped quicker than normal mail.

Can anyone recommend what I ask for at the post office?
by Mailing to the US (guest)  

Re: Important Mail to the US 2016/1/19 16:51
Send them via EMS, which is basically equivalent to USPS Global Express Mail. It's trackable and fast, only taking about 3 days to reach the US.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Important Mail to the US 2016/1/19 20:09
If you decide to physically send the forms, I also recommend EMS, Express Mail Service. If you just ask for "EMS" at a post office, they will know, and will also have envelopes for that. You need to fill out a simple customs declaration form, so if you state "documents," "no value," etc. That will be fine. Trackable all the way until delivery.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Important Mail to the US 2016/1/21 10:08
Thank you so much!
by Mailing to the US (guest) rate this post as useful

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