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Money transfer - translation needed
2016/1/20 11:06
I need to receive a money transfer by Western Union. There's a WU desk at a travel agency nearby. When I walk in, what should I say in Japanese to make myself understood? Thanks.
by ABC (guest)
Re: Money transfer - translation needed
2016/1/20 14:06
Okane kudasai.. すみません、送金のお受け取りをお願いいたします。 Sumimasen, soukin no ouketori wo onegaishimasu. Excuse me, I would like to receive remittance/money transfer, please. you just walk in straight, hand in your application form which can be download and filled before going to WU. Make sure you have the necessary information/documentation. Again refer above link.
by .. (guest)
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Re: Money transfer - translation needed
2016/1/20 14:11
Call to Customer Service Center? Free Call*) or +61-2-9226-9554(International Call) 9:00-22:00 Monday-Sunday for Chinese and Japanese English and Tagalog services are available 24 hours a day. *Subject to applicable telephone service provider’s charges. If already in Japan "Toll Free". This is JP page same TEL numbers using.カスタマー・サービス・センター 0034-800-400-733(日本国内専用フリーダイヤル*) +61-2-9226-9554(海外からはこちらから ※有料) 年中無休 9:00 - 22:00 (中国語・日本語) ※英語・タガログ語は24時間対応 *該当する電話会社の料金に基づきます。
by Nasnon (guest)
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