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Money transfer - translation needed 2016/1/20 11:06
I need to receive a money transfer by Western Union. There's a WU desk at a travel agency nearby. When I walk in, what should I say in Japanese to make myself understood? Thanks.
by ABC (guest)  

Re: Money transfer - translation needed 2016/1/20 14:06
Okane kudasai..

Sumimasen, soukin no ouketori wo onegaishimasu.
Excuse me, I would like to receive remittance/money transfer, please.

Basically you just walk in straight, hand in your application form which can be download and filled before going to WU. Make sure you have the necessary information/documentation. Again refer above link.
by .. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Money transfer - translation needed 2016/1/20 14:11
Call to Customer Service Center?
0034-800-400-733(Toll Free Call*) or
+61-2-9226-9554(International Call)
9:00-22:00 Monday-Sunday for Chinese and Japanese
English and Tagalog services are available 24 hours a day.
*Subject to applicable telephone service provider’s charges.

If already in Japan "Toll Free".
This is JP page same TEL numbers using.
+61-2-9226-9554(海外からはこちらから ※有料)
年中無休 9:00 - 22:00 (中国語・日本語)
by Nasnon (guest) rate this post as useful

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