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Re-apply for Certificate of Eligibility? 2016/1/21 19:19
I used to live in Japan as a spouse of a Japanese national. I got the Certificate of Eligibility and Visa processed, the whole thing. Lived there for few years and we left for a few years. Now we are going back (my spouse is already there working) and I am applying for a spouse visa again.

Do you know if I need to re-apply for a Certificate of Eligibility again? Im hoping there is no need since I would have to reiterate the same things and present the same documents anyway, and would have to wait too long for that.
by estevan (guest)  

Re: Re-apply for Certificate of Eligibility? 2016/1/21 21:45
When you left Japan (a few years ago?), did you simply let your resident status as "spouse of Japanese national" expire?

If it has expired, then yes, you will have to apply for CoE.

Or if your nationality allows you to enter Japan as Temporary Visitor for 90 days, you "could" come in just with your passport, then apply for "change of resident status" from "temporary visitor" to "spouse of Japanese national." But you are likely to need just about the same documents for that too. The good thing about going down this path is that once you have applied for the change fof resident status, you can stay in Japan with your spouse while your application is pending.
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