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Would US TV (Regza HD LCD) work in Japan? 2016/1/22 02:17
We are moving to Japan from US and would like to know if our TV would work there to watch the regular 地上 network.
by babethepig  

Re: Would US TV (Regza HD LCD) work in Japan? 2016/1/22 10:27
I am the original poster.
So, I am not familiar with how TV works at all.
I see that there are 地上デジタルチューナー(tuner) and 地上デジタルアンテナ(antenna)out there.
In case the US-bought Regza can not be used to receive the local TV channels in Japan, can either of these be used with it to enable the reception?
by babethepig rate this post as useful

Re: Would US TV (Regza HD LCD) work in Japan? 2016/1/22 11:04
Exactly, you'll need an external digital tuner (and possibly an antenna, if your building isn't already equipped) which just plugs in via hdmi or coaxial. They're pretty cheap and can be bought on amazon as cheap as a few thousand yen:
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Would US TV (Regza HD LCD) work in Japan? 2016/1/22 14:12
Thank you very much for the response. So it does work for you.. right? I think we are going to pack the TV.
by babethepig rate this post as useful

Re: Would US TV (Regza HD LCD) work in Japan? 2016/1/22 14:28
I'm not using this particular setup, but there's no reason it shouldn't work. The tv basically becomes a dumb display like a computer monitor, with all the necessary work being handled by the external tuner.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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