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tachidomari? 2016/1/24 22:12
Tachidomari miagereba

Which form is tachidomari? I mean its not -te form, or present form etc. How it is added to -ereba form? Whats the exact meaning? If I stop and look?

by Larissa (guest)  

Re: tachidomari? 2016/1/25 09:22
This phrase has two verbs in it.

"Tachidomari miagereba" means "when/if I stop and look up."

"tachidomaru/tachidomarimasu" is a verb meaning "to stop (walking)."
"miageru/miagemasu" means "to look up."

This form "tachidomari" means the same as "tachidomatte" (te-form).
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: tachidomari? 2016/1/26 00:57
"tachidomaru" means "stop walking temporary or for a while", not just "stop walking".
by ay (guest) rate this post as useful

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