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Non native - B.A in English Education 2016/1/25 07:45

I am a non native english speaker with a B.A in English Education and a CELTA. I also have some experience teaching children (private tutoring).

What do you think my chances are of landing a job as a teacher in Japan? I was thinking about going there later this year to apply for jobs.

Thank you.

by Siljan  

Re: Non native - B.A in English Education 2016/1/25 09:30
When you say a degree in English education and tutoring children, is that through your language, or through English (direct method)?. Direct method is what you need to teach in Japan usually. Other than that, it's up to how well your present yourself,, how your English sounds, and if there are shortage of teachers or not at the time you apply.
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Re: Non native - B.A in English Education 2016/1/25 20:36
My degree was mostly taught in English, but as I recieved my education from a European university it only took 3 years to complete. I've noticed that most employers in Japan are looking for people with a 4 year degree. Would this be a problem?

by Siljan rate this post as useful

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