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advice wanted for jp language school 2016/1/25 19:18
Hi there!

i've been wanting to study in a japanese language school for a long time now, but i never seemed to get around to it . Mainly because i would have to save for every single cost myself, since i have no help from parents. I hope someone can help me and give me tips and whatnot. how do so many people study in a language school? how do they manage it with the costs? please help me , anything is helpful!

- I would love to choose a language school in Tokyo,, or atleast kantou area because of my friends living there. Any cheap language schools i should consider? i would like to go 6 months or a year.

- how do i choose the cheapest accommodation? share house seems to be the cheapest, any recommendations?

- are there any scholarships or whatnot that help with language school tuition?? i have a B.A, but i really just want to study the language instead of a university,, because my grades are not the best and i do not have anyone who would write a recommendation for me..

- if i were to go and look for part time jobs, what jobs should i be thinking of? (what is available for basic Japanese speaking peeps like me?) also, is it allowed to work for a talent agency with a student visa ?

- any tips/ advice on how to budget my entire 6month-1year stay in japan? for example on food, travel expenses etc.? how to handle it the best way? how any of you successfully managed??

- is health insurance going to be necessary? what other things should i be considering?

- how do people make it studying years in japan? i mean, if they get help from parents i get it i guess, but surely not everyone gets help from parents? is there anyone who studies in a language school using self-earned money that's willing to talk to me? :)

thank you in advance, any tip or advice will be greatly appreciated!! (;_;)
by nora (guest)  

Re: advice wanted for jp language school 2016/1/27 00:36
I can`t answer all your questions but I`ll try to answer some.

I went to Bunka 文化外国語専門学校 and studied there for 1 year.
Um, well you are aware that tutition is expensive here in Japan and it doesn`t make it easier when you want to live in Tokyo as the rent is high as well. Besides tutition expect to spend maybe 100000 yen / month including bills such as rent/ water/ internet.

as for scolarships maybe searching for "奨学金 + school you want to apply to" might help you.

As for finding a part-time job most of us usually either work in a restaurant, cafe or in a conbini where you earn about 900 jpy / hour. If you are from an english speaking country finding teaching jobs will probably not be too difficult.

If you wont stay in Japan for a longer period a student dormitory or share house is probably the best. Buying all that furniture to your apartment and then having to get rid of it all... is not fun.

oh well I hope I was somewhat helpful ~
google is your friend~
take care and good luck
by ameruru rate this post as useful

Re: advice wanted for jp language school 2016/1/28 00:40
- I would love to choose a language school in Tokyo,, or atleast kantou area because of my friends living there. Any cheap language schools i should consider? i would like to go 6 months or a year.

- how do i choose the cheapest accommodation? share house seems to be the cheapest, any recommendations?

One school that I would recommend is Akamonkai which is located in Nippori, Arakawa-ku. They offer a intense course at a reasonable price
The school also offers dormitory accommodation at a very reasonable price.

- are there any scholarships or whatnot that help with language school tuition?? i have a B.A, but i really just want to study the language instead of a university,, because my grades are not the best and i do not have anyone who would write a recommendation for me..

Akamonkai does offer a scholarship program but there are some conditions to meet. You must advance to either a university, graduate school or vocational school.

- if i were to go and look for part time jobs, what jobs should i be thinking of? (what is available for basic Japanese speaking peeps like me?) also, is it allowed to work for a talent agency with a student visa ?

You can work part time in Japan however you first need to acquire permission. Even then you are only permitted to work up to 28 hours a week.
What you can work depends on your JLPT level. JLPT N4 means you can work jobs like cleaning, food processing factories, warehouses & dish washing in a Japanese bar. Or if you are a native English speaker you might be able to get a job teaching English.
Work in the adult entertainment and amusement business is strictly forbidden so I am unsure whether working for a talent agency would come under the amusement business category.

The school will help you find part time work though and there will usually be part time jobs advertised at the school as well.

There are also jobsearch websites such as

You should have at least 100,000yen available to you when you first arrive in Japan.
And the average wage for part time work is 900-1000yen per hour.

- any tips/ advice on how to budget my entire 6month-1year stay in japan? for example on food, travel expenses etc.? how to handle it the best way? how any of you successfully managed??

This is just a average guide for the living cost of a student.

- is health insurance going to be necessary? what other things should i be considering?

Any student that is planning to study in Japan for longer than 3 months must enroll on the National Health Insurance scheme.

- how do people make it studying years in japan? i mean, if they get help from parents i get it i guess, but surely not everyone gets help from parents? is there anyone who studies in a language school using self-earned money that's willing to talk to me? :)

If you make a account I am more than happy to discuss this and any other questions that you might have.

Here are some very helpful links for everything that I have covered.

by Kari Haruka rate this post as useful

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