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Making reservation in Japanese 2016/1/26 02:57
Hi, I'll be heading to Okinawa next week, and I'm having problems with some JP sentences... What's the translation of : "Good day, I was wondering if can you help us make a reservation call for strawberry picking?"

Basically, how do I ask someone to help me make a reservation?

Thanks in advance. =)
by ctayjs  

Re: Making reservation in Japanese 2016/1/26 23:44
"strawberry picking" is "いちご狩り(i-chi-go-ga-ri)".
"reservation" is "予約(yo-yaku)"
by call is "電話予約(den-wa yo-yaku)"

But next week is early season not enough amout strawberries
and also already open farms not so many.
So you have to go Ginoza-village(宜野座村) about 80min far
by High(Exp)way bus from Naha airport(那覇空港).

Farms in Ginoza:
090- or 080- are farm's TEL(cell phone) number.
"Ginoza strawberry farms(farm's name)" maybe better.

Ask at Naha airport infomation counter or hotel front staff recommend.
by Nomia (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Making reservation in Japanese 2016/1/27 00:14
Thanks for the reply, and the tips. =)

But, how do I say it in a sentence?
by ctayjs rate this post as useful

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