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Is 29/30 too old to teach abroad? 2016/1/26 06:42
Hi all

I've been to Japan, I did volunteer work there for a week for a friend, I have learn the basics of the language and am comfortable asking basic questions (How much is that? What train takes me to Tokyo? That was very tasty and cheap, thank you).

I enjoyed my time and would love to work, but am I too old at 29/30? Could I even get a work holiday visa at the age of 30? The word says "between the ages 18 and 30" so I'm not sure if 29 is the last age you can apply with it.

But in general, even if I get a visa, most people that do this seem to be in their early 20s, I might be seen as too old.
by Luke (guest)  

Re: Is 29/30 too old to teach abroad? 2016/1/26 11:43
30 should be fine for a WH visa, you can contact your local Japanese embassy or consulate to find out for sure.
by Firas rate this post as useful

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