Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Note that this thread has not been updated in a long time, and its content might not be up-to-date anymore.

Required documents for COE 2016/1/26 20:01
Hello Everyone!
Hope you all are in good health.

Basically, I want to apply for certificate of eligibility for College Student visa through a Language School. For this purpose, I wanna know that which documents are required by the immigration officer .
And what should be the minimum amount for Bank Statement and Annual Income Certificate without any Scholarship and Grants?

Thanks in advance for response.
by Aqua Liuke (guest)  

: Required documents for COE 2016/1/27 13:57
As for minimum amount for bank statement.

In the case, you live in Tokyo, you will spend 200,000 yen for each month to sustain your life ( Including rent of your apartment, meal fee, utility fee. ).
And amount of annual school expense is 600,000 yen and you go to the school for 2 years.

In this case, you may need to prove your fund of 6 million yen. ( 600,000 ~ 2 years + 200,000 ~ 24 months.)

In this page, I have explained about COE.
by Scrivener Aki rate this post as useful

Re: Required documents for COE 2016/1/27 15:02
Scrivener Aki: your website is very interesting.. maybe I will need your help.. There's few things I've been wondering about, regarding the COE.. money question is one of them.. I wrote details few days ago here:
Of course, I plan to ask at immigration office in Osaka too, next month, but I guess there are some questions, which I shouldn't ask them, especially that money question..
by 8BB76E1 rate this post as useful

Re: Required documents for COE 2016/1/27 16:19
You should really not post in that thread if you have actual questions, as many people probably stopped reading it (I know I did). If you have a new question, it's totally fine to create your own thread, and it will stand out more.
by Firas rate this post as useful

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