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Importance salon/cost for straight perm? 2016/1/28 12:44
I am interested in getting a straight perm (either with a digital perm on the bottom - loose waves or just generally done in a way where my hair is not completely flat)

I have gotten one before (not in japan) and the person made my hair completely flat with some damage on ends but overall it was good.

How important is the salon? If I go to a medium salon will there be a big difference in the result compared to if I go to a higher end salon.

What should I be paying and do you have any salon recommendations?

Places I have heard of: Assort, tony and guy, watanabe, worlds end circus, eclat, gold salon,

I described to Assort what I wanted (straight perm with a little digital perm on the bottom) and they told me it would be 27000, which seems a little steep

Any advice or information is helpful. Thank you
by Sunny (guest)  

Re: Importance salon/cost for straight perm? 2016/1/28 22:40
I doubt other salons would be much cheaper and I would be leery of salons offering much cheaper prices.

I used to have my hair cut and dyed and with discount was around 12000 yen. No discount would have been around 16000 yen
by asahana (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Importance salon/cost for straight perm? 2016/1/29 00:14
I looked at the prices on salon websites and generally it was cheaper (10000-16000)

I don't mind paying 27000 but based on prices on salon websites it seems like I am paying alot more (partly because it is for straight AND digital perm and partly because of the salon)

Sometimes the descriptions on the salon menu are confusing.
'Water perm'
'Volume down perm"
Straight perm and then also at the same place straight perm with flatiron (as in they were different)

Anyone have salon recommendations or know if any of the salons I listed are good. I have booked an appointment for Assort in April but I really want to make sure its the best place
by Sunny (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Importance salon/cost for straight perm? 2016/4/29 13:15
Maybe I am arriving too late.
I am a expert in beauty industry and the choice of the salon is very important indeed: your overall style, the durability of it and especially the health of your hair depend on it!

Digital perm requires special skills and some salons are more famous for that than others.

I can recommend you a salon where the hairdressers are the sort of pioneers of digital perm, if its not too late.
Let me know!
by Hiroko (guest) rate this post as useful

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