Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Working holiday/student visa 2016/1/29 12:14
Hello guys, I was searching for the answer to my question, but was unable to find it anywhere. If you think it is trivial, just tell me where to look for it. Thanks.

So, I was planning to apply for working holiday visa. However, just when I was about to do it, it turned out I could (and so I did) apply for research scholarship (kokuhi kenkyu ryugakusei). If I do get the scholarship, I can start my scholarship program in October (or probably in September, as my potential Japanese university requires). The thing is, I won't get the results until sometime in May or even later. So I thought, maybe I could apply for the working holiday visa after all (I've already got myself two-way ticket and all). Then I would go to Japan in March. If I do get admitted to the university, I will come back to my home country, change visa status to "student"and go back to Japan. If the answer is no, then I could stay in Japan for 12 months on my working holiday visa.

Sorry, I know it's kind of complicated, but I hope you know what I mean.

The only thing that worries me is, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do all those things. Does my working holiday visa expire automatically if I leave Japan early without getting reentry permit? Can I get a student visa without any troubles at the Embassy in my homecountry within such a short period of time from getting working travel visa? Won't my Japanese university be upset that I went to Japan for several months AFTER applying for a scholarship? (I'm actually enrolled at the university at my homecountry too, but I don't really have any classes this semester and in any case, research students usually work on their own, so they won't object for sure).

Do you think you could help me, somehow?
by ana (guest)  

Re: Working holiday/student visa 2016/1/29 13:25
The conditions for the scholarship should have been explained to you. If you meet them, no problem.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Working holiday/student visa 2016/1/29 13:56
Hello Firas, thanks for your answer. Yes, I've read all the terms and conditions of the scholarship several times and it doesn't say I'm not allowed to come to Japan on different visa, so you're probably right. Maybe I'll call the Embassy just to make sure.
by ana (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Working holiday/student visa 2016/1/29 14:16
The only condition is that you must go from your home country to Japan on the specified date, and obtain a student visa at your local Japanese embassy beforehand. As long as you do that, whatever else you do is irrelevant.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Working holiday/student visa 2016/1/29 16:13
The only thing that comes to my mind is the fact that Working Holiday Visa is a once-in-a-lifetime thing; so if you apply for it and get it now, and use it to stay in Japan for two months for example but change to Student status then, you will be giving up the remaining 4 or 8 months (depending on where you are from). So if you have any plans to come back to Japan for a longer time in another year, for example (I don't know how young/old you are, there is some age restriction to WHV as well), you might want to consider that carefully.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Working holiday/student visa 2016/1/29 16:26
Note that a "change of status" is not possible. You must obtain a student visa at the Japanese embassy in your home country, and enter Japan using it.
by Firas rate this post as useful

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