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cheap gym near kanagawa kawasaki? 2016/2/2 01:27
I don't know if I just suck at googling but I can't seem to find a cheap gym near kawasaki , I only find the ones that has a membership plan (often 8000 yen per month). I'm looking for a gym that will let me use their facilities for a session only (ie 500 yen per entry).
by manchester (guest)  

Re: cheap gym near kanagawa kawasaki? 2016/2/2 12:52
If you live in Kawasaki City, here it is available.
(You may be able to use even if you're commuting in Kawasaki City) 0-0-0.html? SLANG = ja & TLANG = en & XMODE = 0 & XPARAM = q, & XCHARSET = utf-8 & XPORG =, & XJSID = 0
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: cheap gym near kanagawa kawasaki? 2016/2/2 12:57
Since the link has failed, please translate this address.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: cheap gym near kanagawa kawasaki? 2016/2/5 00:36
personally I have to ask do you really need a gym?
much of what you can do in a gym you can do at home or in the local park for free. instead of a treadmil go for a jog, instead of a cycling machine buy a bike and go for a ride. and there are plenty of sites online that can help you with exercise plans using little or no equipment.

that said I can understand the whole motivation thing of being in a gym with other people to edge you on.

other than that I can't really give much advice other than maybe doing an internet search, though you may get a better chance of finding something doing a search in japanese
by crwydryny rate this post as useful

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