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Working Holiday Visa to Spouse Visa 2016/2/2 15:13
Kia Ora (Hello),

I have been living in Japan for about 08 Months now on a working holiday visa. I came here to be with my Japanese girlfriend who I met in New Zealand. Since she had to moved back to Japan for family reasons we decided to live in Japan. We recently got married in Oct 2015 under Japanese Law.

Working Holiday Visa was the quickest way for me to be able to stay at least 1 year whilst trying to look for work and it was also my last chance being 30 years old. Short Story I was able to find a full time job in my profession (IT), now I know I can get a working visa through my work but I would rather go through the Spouse Visa since it will be quicker for me to apply for my PR and also not bound to one company for Work.

I guess my question is in regards to the change of status residence form.

My wife is also working full time but she is not making as much money as I currently am. I was wondering if there was any issues in regards to using myself as the method of support while in Japan as per question # 20 on the form?

Also if I use the self support method is it possible to just provide a Certificate of Employment (在職証明書, Zaishoku Shomeisho) and Tax and withholdings report (源泉徴収票, Gensenchoshuhyo)

Reason for this is I have not work in Japan a full year so I dont have a full Juminzei record just yet. I also don't pay resident tax since it is my first year.

I know on question # 22 I would need to put my wife's name as the guarantor but I am wondering if its possible to also just provide a certificate of employment and tax witholdings report instead of the Juminzei since she just recently started working in Japan?

I have about 04 months left on my WH visa hence why we are starting to look at changing my status to Spouse Visa.

Thanks a lot for any advise.
by Kiwi_in_Japan (guest)  

Re: Working Holiday Visa to Spouse Visa 2016/2/2 16:49
What you are looking at is to apply for a CoE, that's not what you want.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Working Holiday Visa to Spouse Visa 2016/2/2 16:59
^^ Firas - Thanks mate! I had the wrong link. But in that linked you posted is the question #'s I am questioning.

by Kiwi_in_Japan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Working Holiday Visa to Spouse Visa 2016/2/2 17:00
Short Story I was able to find a full time job in my profession (IT), now I know I can get a working visa through my work but I would rather go through the Spouse Visa since it will be quicker for me to apply for my PR and also not bound to one company for Work.

Spouse visa (I'm gonna say visa for brevity, but note that we're really talking about changing residency statuses) is probably the way to go. Also note that you don't need to get a spouse visa to be on the fast track to PR. You are already on that track by virtue of being married to a Japanese national, and the clock started ticking once you hankoed the marriage paperwork.

The rest is beyond my knowledge, but I think it is possible to just have your wife be the guarantor despite her income levels. You may want to talk to a lawyer to be sure. Check your local city/ward office as they often offer free legal advice for foreigners.

Also keep in mind that you could also get a work visa in the interim and then apply for a spouse visa in a year or so. Not much of a difference in effort and chances of approval.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Working Holiday Visa to Spouse Visa 2016/2/2 18:04
Under "How to fill in, and example", the link says "Refer to your regional immigration office or immigration information center." So you should do that, and not ask on an Internet forum. That said...

No, you cannot be your own guarantor. That should be obvious when you read the letter of guarantee which the guarantor must fill.

The link also has a list of required documents which contains "Documents certifying that the profession and the income of the person concerned or his or her spouse." A tax document is not explicitly required, if you can certify your profession and income in some other way that will be acceptable to immigration.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Working Holiday Visa to Spouse Visa 2016/2/2 18:30
I have just done the exact same visa application moving from WH to SPOUSE VISA.

The question you asked regarding number # 20 you can tick self support as a method of staying in Japan if you are working and # 22 use your wife as the guarantor and just provide certificate of employment and withholding tax if she does not have resident tax payment.

Hope this helps you out mate.

by fellowkiwi_in_japan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Working Holiday Visa to Spouse Visa 2016/2/2 18:57
Firas LOL have we got our period today?

I am reading the OG post and no where it states in there the OG wanted to be his own guarantor.

He asking if he can select self support method on the application form and what sort of documents he can supply if he does not have resident tax certificate.

According to the Japanese version of the Form, the list of "Documents certifying that the profession and the income of the person concerned or his or her spouse." they are actually explicitly looking for the Spouse/Applicant Resident Tax Certificate. If you are unable to provide that then in some cases, a Certificate of Employment (Zaishoku Shomeisho) and Tax and withholdings report (Gensenchoshuhyo) may be an acceptable substitute.

Hope this helps you out.
by gaijinboy (guest) rate this post as useful

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