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Apartments? but no Guest- or Sharehouse 2016/2/2 22:08
Hello guys,

I'm moving on April to Tokyo because I visit a language school. I already lived once in Tokyo because Working Holiday. Over that time I lived in an apartment of Sakura House. I really don't like the guesthouse attitude. It's like you have a home, but actually you don't. I don't know how to explain, but it sucks.

This time I wanna make it right. Living in a good apartment where is not everyone a foreigner. You know.. I wanna "live" in Japan.

My problem right now is that I get my student visa on July 16. So I've a tourist visa for the first 2-3 months. I guess I couldn't get a real apartment with that tourist visa. I wrote two agencys with "I will pay everything for 1 year directly" but it didn't helped.

Money will be not the problem. I just don't wanna move into a guesthouse-apartment. So my question is:

Is there a japanese monthly rentable apartment website which is not only for foreigners or an agency who can help me?

Important is to live in a tower in Shinjuku, furnished and internet access. Last two ones are not that important, just if possible. I can buy stuff. In best case I get a one year contract.

Thanks a lot and best regards,
by Kevin (guest)  

Re: Apartments? but no Guest- or Sharehouse 2016/2/3 21:35
You are not getting a one-year contract if you are on temporary visitor status, forget it. Everything is under the assumption that you will leave Japan at the end of your current period of stay.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Apartments? but no Guest- or Sharehouse 2016/2/3 22:26
This may fill your need. These are furnished apartments with utilities and internet access included. They are meant as vacation rentals, but I know that they offer a monthly rental rate. All are self contained apartment units in apartment buildings (ie. not a guest house, no sharing of facilities with strangers).

I have stayed with them every time I take a trip to Japan, so I can highly recommend them. Though only once did I stay for a full month the rest of my trips I only stayed for a couple of weeks. I always stay at the Nishi-Ogikubo building (I really like the neighbourhood there) which is 12 minutes away from Shinjuku on the JR Chuo line. But, they also have apartments at Nakano which is only 6 minutes away from Shinjuku (also on the JR Chuo line).

The web site is

The representative of the company, Makoto Kuno, is a great guy and will happily answer any questions you have about the apartments, the neighbourhoods, and Japan.
by daai maou (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Apartments? but no Guest- or Sharehouse 2016/2/4 00:33
If you are willing to compromise, there are other Sakura House-like agencies who allow Japanese tenants. I believe Oak House may be one such company? Most if not all of these places will have you on one month rolling contracts anyway, so would it be so bad moving into one just while you find your feet and look for something better? Knowing you can leave in 28 days surely makes any living situation more tolerable. Getting a place as a foreigner can be difficult, but it is going to be a thousand times easier if you are actually in Japan.
by \\\\\ (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Apartments? but no Guest- or Sharehouse 2016/2/4 00:38
Sakura House and other such gaijinhouses are no option for me.
by Kevin (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Apartments? but no Guest- or Sharehouse 2016/2/4 06:34
If the issue of living amongst other foreigners is a dealbreaker for you that you simply will not budge on then I'm afraid you are making things more difficult than they need be. As you said yourself, you already contacted agencies and offered to pay upfront but to no avail.

For what it's worth though . . .

It's like you have a home, but actually you don't.

I think many people will tell you that this is true for all monthly/weekly apartments in Japan, whether they are intended for Japanese or foreigners. You're never going to be more than an occupant, a monthly mansion is never "home" really. The way I see it the only way to satisfy your every requirement would be to get an apartment on more than a monthly basis, and well, good luck with that.
by \\\\\ (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Apartments? but no Guest- or Sharehouse 2016/2/4 09:10
You aren't going to be able to sign a contract as a tourist.
Why not just wait until you have the student visa, and then go to Japan?
by guest (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Apartments? but no Guest- or Sharehouse 2016/2/4 09:15
cause my school starts on april
by Kevin (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Apartments? but no Guest- or Sharehouse 2016/2/4 13:35
Your school starts in April but you don't get a student visa until July?

Well, you could stay at a place like a guest/sharehouse just temporarily until you get the student visa, and then look for an apartment.
by guest (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Apartments? but no Guest- or Sharehouse 2016/2/4 18:08
got just the thing you said money was no object right try this
by akumamatt33 rate this post as useful

Re: Apartments? but no Guest- or Sharehouse 2016/2/4 18:10
the link above is the elite buy and sell rental place for japan for houses apt duplexes condos etc.
by akumamatt33 rate this post as useful

Re: Apartments? but no Guest- or Sharehouse 2016/2/4 20:24
No, I'will get my student visa on July, until that I just have a tourist visa.
by Kevin (guest) rate this post as useful

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