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Need advice for Immigration procedures 2016/2/3 13:11
This is my first post since I've submitted my CR-1 package to USCIS to petition for my spouse and stepchild (Japan). Anyways, after months of waiting, I have received an RFE in regards to submitting proof of my wife's legal termination of marriage to her first ex-husband (Wife has been married twice). The document that Japan provides in regards to Divorce Decrees, etc. are titled as "Koseki Tohon (Certificate of Family Registry)". On this document it states her marriage and divorce of second husband, but not first. USCIS didn't have any issues with that since it is obviously listed and translated into English. After consulting with my wife, she states that her City Office could not provide her a backdated one with her first ex-husband's marriage/divorce date. My wife was able to obtain her first ex-husbands "Koseki Tohon" with the applicable information as to when they were married and divorced. So, I guess my question is, although it is not my wife's document, will the first ex-husbands document suffice as it essentially provides the same information? She will obviously translate/notarize the document and send to me once completed. I am just curious if USCIS would kick this back, but it just seems like they need an official date since it wasn't first listed in my wife's document. Hopefully this makes sense in some way. Any information or supporting answers will definitely help! Please and thank you.
by mbunband  

Re: Need advice for Immigration procedures 2016/2/3 15:43
This is off-topic here as it is about immigration procedures to the US, not Japan.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Need advice for Immigration procedures 2016/2/3 18:22
in koseki tohon, there should be the word. 従前戸籍,juzen-koseki. it shows the address where the previous information was written.
you can trace back to the second marriage, the first marriage, the parents, and grandparents, and so on.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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