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Japanese Language School 2016/2/3 13:38
Hello! I am looking for a good japanese school, can someone tell me in their own experience please. I've been looking and there are three options that caught my attention: Akamonkai, ISI language school & Intercultural Institute of Japan. Please if anyone had an experience with this schools or with others feel free to put them! I was once in EF Shibuya but the learning method was not the one I liked because it was repetitive and only used textbooks but did not do anything out of the book. Please help me because I plan to go on October! Thank you!
by flormich  

Re: Japanese Language School 2016/2/3 22:25
I graduated from ISI in December. It wasn't terrible while I was a student, but the office staff don't know what they're doing and will lie through their teeth. Graduating was a pain in the ass.

I'm sorry to tell you, but most language schools in Japan are repetitive - it's the main Japanese teaching style.

If you're looking for a good language program, I recommend the Intensive Japanese Language Program at Waseda. They have a variety of classes and levels to choose from, so it's not the same routine every day. It's harder to get into, but they don't have a lot of the BS rules I experienced at ISI. That and it'll make it easier to find employment (if that's your goal) later because of the school name.
by AdmiralPC (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese Language School 2016/2/4 10:17

For advice about Japanese language schools, why not contact an educational agent. They will guide you all the way to Japan (and it is free for students). I used with Motivist Japan's service when I first came to Japan. You can have a look here:

All the best,

by Marc5 rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese Language School 2016/2/4 10:30
I also am planning on going in October (Or January because I will be able to save even more money) And I have been looking into Arc Academy, but I also heard Yoshida is good!

And thanks for that link!
by Melging rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese Language School 2016/2/4 12:53
Good luck with finding a school or teacher that will do anything that's not in the book.

Creativity and communication are uniquely absent in Japanese language classes here.
by Guest (guest) rate this post as useful

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