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expired visa 2016/2/5 18:03
My husband is a Nikei, working in Japan, I used to have a resident visa in Japan that is now expired, how will I renew my visa? and how long will the processing be?
by elvice  

Re: expired visa 2016/2/5 19:35
This is question you should discuss with your embassy, not an internet forum. This is an issue you'll want to solve ASAP.
by sq (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: expired visa 2016/2/5 20:00
This is actually a pretty straightforward question.

You cannot "renew" your residency but will have to apply from scratch for the appropriate status. The COE process can take from several weeks to several months to process so best start asap.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: expired visa 2016/2/5 20:09
Maybe sq was under the impression that OP is currently in Japan on an expired status, but based on his/her other questions it does not seem to be the case.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: expired visa 2016/2/6 08:31
Yes, I was under the impression that the poster was currently in Japan - I hadn't read their other posts.
by sq (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: expired visa 2016/2/6 08:49
(Even in that case, though, the embassy in one's home country would be of absolutely no help. When you are inside Japan, you are "managed" by the immigration bureau.)
by Firas rate this post as useful

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