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Non-native English teacher from Finland 2016/2/8 22:50
Hello everybody! I am New at the forum and I know that this question has been asked here a number of times, but I would like to know my chances of English teaching in Japan. I am planning on moving to Japan with my Japanese wife and look for teaching jobs with spousal visa. What I have learned, is that the visa is often the problem in job Hunting. Also being non-native have issues. I consider tough myself as fluent speaker. I am now 30 years old and have a college degree in business. I have also been working earlier in kindergarten and have experience teaching programming in elementary schools.

So, long story short, what are my chances of teaching in Japan?
by jailu85  

Re: Non-native English teacher from Finland 2016/2/9 09:41
You are correct that the biggest hurdle is visa related, so in that respect you should be fine. With a spouse visa, the only issue will be getting a job offer, which should be fairly straightforward presuming you are fluent enough to satisfy the interviewer and without too heavy an accent.
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