Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Starting salary 2016/2/9 03:59
Does anyone knows what is a possible starting salary for a masters graduate in Marketing?

Would it be possible to to live with this salary alone in a big city like Tokyo?
by Kis (guest)  

Re: Starting salary 2016/2/9 11:02
Anything above the minimum wage is a possible salary. What is your real question?
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Starting salary 2016/2/9 13:44
those are pretty general questions. that depends on what kind of degree you have, where you want to work, what qualifications you have, if you speak Japanese, etc. Probably this forum is not the right place for such discussions in the first place.

all I can say is that in our company there are marketing staff colleagues who live alone, however, they either tend to live outside of the city (many live in Chiba), or they live in VERY small flats / rooms in shared houses.
by Georg (guest) rate this post as useful

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